Friday, April 22, 2011

Education Cures All

The video and article I found discussed the story of a young boy named Terrence with his pit bull Elmo.  I thought it was necessary for all of you to see this because people need to see stories about pit bulls other than ones involved in building up the bad reputation for pit bulls.  I also believe this shows people that how an owner train their pit bull has a huge affect on how the dog will behave.  If Terrence had gone down the path of dog fighting, Elmo could have easily become an aggressive and violent dog, but not by choice.  The effectiveness of education on how owners can properly train their pit bulls is shown.  Before joining the Pit Bull Training Team, Terrence was about to begin dog fighting; now he and Elmo have earned a Canine Good Citizenship Certificate.  I think that more programs need to be created such as the Pit Bull Training Team because in doing so the number of people becoming involved in dog fighting can be greatly reduced.  Furthermore, when people start to properly train their pit bulls, the unearned negative stigma brought upon the pit bulls should slowly fade away.

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